Tiit Kändler’s lecture 'Golden Sixties and Obscure Seventies: Two Cultures and Three Views. Of Life, Cybernetics and Art'
Local title
Tiit Kändleri loeng 'Kuldsed kuuekümnendad ja segased seitsmekümnendad: kaks kultuuri ja kolm vaadet. Elust, küberneetikast ja kunstist'
Title in Russian
Tiit Kändleri loeng 'Kuldsed kuuekümnendad ja segased seitsmekümnendad: kaks kultuuri ja kolm vaadet. Elust, küberneetikast ja kunstist'
The years 1960–1979 were characterized by the endeavour to bring together art and science. Also in Estonia, young scientists and artists formed bonds of friendship, attending several collective events, such as the chrestomatic exhibition Harku 1975. In the film program following the lecture, a documentary on the exhibition Harku 75 and films by Ülo Sooster will be shown.