Project 'Inimloomaaed'
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Projekt 'Inimloomaaed'
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Projekt 'Inimloomaaed'
Liina Siib, Teemu Mäki
Liina Siib „Averse Body“ 2007, 46 min
The video (installation) Averse Body (2007), filmed through a car window against views of Tallinn at night, involves interviews with prostitutes, in which the artist asks what they think of their bodies, what their clients think, what they would like to change about themselves, how much time they spend on their appearance and so forth.
Teemu Mäki „Whore and Exploit“, 1995
Whore and Exploit is about whoredom, about ways in which it is possible to find one's life worth living in a society where everything has a price-tag on it and almost all jobs are forms of prostitution.
Liina Siib, Teemu Mäki